138th Annual Dinner


The Most Rev. Thabo Makgoba, KStJ, Archbishop of Cape Town

May 1, 2025

One of the Church Club of New York’s traditions of longest standing is the Annual Dinner, where a visiting member of the clergy addresses the Club on issues of the day. In 2024, the Club looks forward to hearing from His Grace, the Archbishop of Cape Town.

The Annual Dinner is a signature event that brings our community together for a night of friendship and connection with our speaker, one of the preeminent minds of the Church. This event offers unparalleled opportunities to connect socially with friends new and old to celebrate our Episcopalian heritage, the Anglican communion, and our shared faith.

You and Your Guests are Invited!

On the evening of Thursday, May 1, 2025, please join the Board of Trustees of the Church Club of New York for a celebratory dinner in honor of the Archbishop of Cape Town, who will address the club.

Bonnell Hall

7 West 55th Street, New York, NY

Cocktails: 6pm

Dinner: 7pm

See below for ticket and table information. RSVP by April 16, 2025.

The Church Club of New York is both a recognized 501(c)(3) organization and an integrated auxiliary of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. Contributions to the Church Club of New York are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The non-deductible portion of Annual Dinner ticket and table purchases is $150 per ticket.

Tables & Tickets

Patron Table for Ten

Support the mission of the Church Club and celebrate the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $20,000 contribution to the Annual Dinner.

Premier location and program listing

Sponsor Table for Ten

Support the mission of the Church Club and celebrate the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $15,000 contribution to the Annual Dinner.

Prime location and program listing

Table for Ten

Support the mission of the Church Club and celebrate the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $10,000 contribution to the Annual Dinner.

Preferred location and program listing

Patron Ticket

Support the mission of the Church Club and the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $1,000 contribution to the Annual Dinner.

Preferred location and program listing

Sponsor Ticket

Support the mission of the Church Club and the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $500 contribution to the Annual Dinner.

Program listing

Individual Ticket

Support the mission of the Church Club and the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $350 contribution to the Annual Dinner.

Clergy or Young Adult Ticket

Support the mission of the Church Club and the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a $300 contribution to the Annual Dinner. Please use a clergy email address or be under age 40 to book.

Support the Dinner

Support the mission of the Church Club and the visit of the Archbishop of Cape Town with a fully tax-deductible contribution to the dinner, made in lieu of a ticket or table purchase.

Tickets and tables may be purchased by check as well as by using the online links above. The Club’s mailing address is 224 Waverly Place, New York, NY, 10014. Ticket and table requests should be received by April 16, 2025. For by-mail table purchases, mail a check with host and guest names, along with a host telephone number and email address. Guest names may also be submitted by email by April 24, 2025; contact director@churchclubny.org. For by-mail ticket purchases, kindly note the number of guests, the type of ticket, and your telephone number and email address. We will confirm ticket and table purchases with you by mid-April or upon receipt.

All table and ticket purchases are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The non-deductible portion of each purchase is $150 per seat. Tax receipts will be sent in January of 2026.